The purpose of this Blog is to provide a meeting place for employees of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to investigate the possibility & probability of legal or other actions to assure the rights of those affected by the VSP or their exclusion from participation in it.

Thursday, March 1, 2012



Director,  XXX Division, or                                     By email PDF and
Associate Director, ADXXX                                    Registered Mail
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MS
Los Alamos, NM 87545

RE:  LANL Voluntary Separation Program.

As we are all aware, the Laboratory has recently announced a Voluntary Separation Program (VSP) in which the Laboratory is offering the payment of severance pay, which would not otherwise be due, to certain individuals who accept voluntary separation or early retirement from the Laboratory.  One of the stated purposes of the program is to encourage persons such as myself, who may have reached full retirement age but who have not yet retired, to actually take their retirement and separate from the Laboratory.  I am very interested in accepting this offer; however I am precluded from doing so by the fact that my current job classification <<                               >> is excluded from eligibility for this offer.

I feel that excluding certain classes of employees, based upon a unilateral determination by the Laboratory of their importance to the organization, is a discriminatory and unlawful restriction of this offer which has been made to all other regular employees of the Laboratory.   I feel this to be particularly true since the positions in which I and other members of the excluded class serve are solely at the discretion of the Laboratory. 

<<Optional>> Additionally, in my case, I do not feel the Laboratory is warranted in their identification of my position as “critical”, since I am aware of one or more <<_____________>> employees who are currently assigned to the suspended CMRR project, who are equally qualified, and who could easily backfill my position.

These assertions are based upon the following facts.

Ø             <<If you have been assigned to multiple groups by the Laboratory list them here.>> If I were now assigned to any one of these other groups, or its current equivalent, I would not be precluded from accepting the VSP offer.
Ø             <<If you have reached full retirement age, but have chosen to stay with the laboratory at the request of your supervisor or other manager list the details here.>>
Ø             <<If personnel of similar skills are facing layoff  from CMRR or RULOB include the following>>  I believe that my skills, and the requirements of my position, are not so unique that I cannot easily be replaced by another <<___________>> of equal or similar training and experience.  I believe this to be particularly true in light of the recent budget cuts at the CMRR Project.  According to my understanding, several << ______________>> there face loss of their positions at the end of this fiscal year.  I am sure one or more of those individuals may be interested in the position I now occupy and could easily and successfully backfill that position.

Accordingly, I hereby request waiver of my exclusion from participation in the VSP.   Due to the tight schedule established for the VSP program, I request that you provide me with notice of a decision in this matter not latter than noon, Friday March 9.

Very truly yours

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